Scottish EDGE Eligibility Criteria
What are the eligibility criteria for applying?
Ltd Co’s / Social Enterprises / Charities - Your business has been Incorporated at Companies House / OSCR
Ltd Co’s only - A minimum of 50% of the business ownership is attributed to Directors actively working in the business on a day-today basis
Sole Trader businesses can only apply for one of the grant awards (Young EDGE or Wild Card). They cannot apply for any other category due to the loan element.
Your business has been in operation for less than 5 years. Your founding date can be longer than this period, but the date at which you first starting trading cannot.
Your business is head-quartered in Scotland and key business leaders must be resident in Scotland (min 50%)
Key business leaders have not won a main Scottish EDGE (Loan + Grant) award in a previous round either with this business or a different business (Previous Young EDGE or Wild Card EDGE winners can apply)
With support, your business has the potential to achieve new/increased cumulative sales of £200,000 over the next 3 years.
Current annual turnover does not exceed £1m and/or the business has not received external investment of £500,000 or more
Over the next 3 years, with support, your business should be capable of creating new, sustainable Scottish jobs
Your business is not in administration or liquidation, and your business’s directors or key principals have never been prosecuted for fraud or disqualified from becoming a business director
For All Non-UK Passport Holders – evidence of your visa status and visa expiry date is required